Forums Registration

Please become familiar with the
Bridges-Across the Divide website.

This is the first half of a two part registration process. If you submit this registration you will only be able to READ MESSAGES in our Forums. In order to WRITE MESSAGES you must complete the registration on the Forums page. Instructions will be sent to you. Please follow them carefully!

Terms and Conditions of Membership  

By submitting this registration form you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

These Forums are confidential and copyrighted. Access to our Forums is available to Members only. By agreeing to our Terms and Conditions you are promising to keep any and all posts found within in complete confidence. IF YOU FIND SOMETHING USEFUL THAT YOU WISH TO SHARE ELSEWHERE, YOU MUST OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR BEFORE DOING SO. NO EXCEPTIONS!

I agree to the Terms and Conditions above.  

Registration Information
Fields marked with an astriks
are required input fields.
First Name *
Last Name *
E-Mail Address *


Choose a User Name
User Name 

Choose a Password
Verify Password

Your User Name is how you will be known in the Forums. You can use your regular name (first, last or both) as your User Name.

Your E-mail address will be verified before your application is accepted.

Write down your User Name and Password! They are required every time you visit the Bridges Across the Divide Forums.