[name withheld], Please contact me as soon as you get a computer. Your statement that your parents do not believe in homosexuality brings tears to my eyes. Working with families who are divided by the culture war is the work I feel called to do. It is the essense of the "bridge project" that Steve Calverly and I correspond about. I'm not talking about situations where the family changes their minds-- I'm talking about situations where the family *doesn't* change their mind. How can we help the love continue when the people are on opposite sides? This is the problem that I wrestle with constantly-- and so does Father Bill, as I see from this morning's post.
pflag-talkers, to find out where my head is at--
There is no link from my home page to this private writing- Pflag-talkers,
treat it with the confidentiality that you would any post to pflag-talk,
don't send the url outside this list-- this is not public, it's for pflag-talk
not all of cyberspace.
[Name withheld]-- I realize you may not have a browser. That's okay- just please remember to keep in touch with me.
At 04:44 AM 8/14/96 -0600, [withheld] wrote:
Just want to let everyone know that I will no longer have access after
the 16th of August. I am moving home and I will not have access to the
Even if i did I would have to be extremely careful, since my parents do not believe in homosexuality. Hopefully, I will have enough money by November >to move out. Then I will have access again. Today I had my first interview for a permanent job. It went well, and I will find out by next week if I have the job. I really hope that I get it. I also want to thank everyone who responded to my posts over the last couple months, I really appreciate it. It makes me sad to leave.. This has been one place where I have felt love and support, and I will miss that. When I am at home I cannot be open at all, will have to go back into the closet for awhile. :(
Thanks again to everyone!!!
the 16th of August is my last day) :(