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EARLY REGISTRATION BEGINS FOR JUNE 2003 CONFERENCE .The Keynote Speakers at the Amazing Grace Conference are Tony and Peggy Campolo. We thank the Campolos for giving us permission use include a transcript of one of their presentations in our initial launch of this website in February, 1997. John Tyler Connoley will preent an afternoon workshop on Hebrew Scriptures. Tyler is the coauthor of The Children are Free: Reexaming the Biblical Evidence on Same-sex relationships , and a longtime BA participant. At the time of his BA intro, uploaded in August, 1998 Tyler Connoley was using his birth name, Tyler Connor.
Conservative Christians for a Just and Respectful Response
to those who experience same-sex attraction
The Justice
and Respect website
was developed by
Sonia Balcer
, who has been active in Bridge Across since 1997. She is the moderator
for our email list and co-chair of the moderators group for the webforum.