
Toward an International Discussion of Homosexuality (TIDH)
Tom Cole: Why I did the ad
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Just as my opinion of many on SideA has changed since my involvement on BA, the opinion of the political Religious Right can only be changed by relationship with those who think differently than they


Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 15:08:12 EDT 
From: (Tom Cole)
Subject: Why I did the ad

Well - I wanted to wade through the 300+ emails that I had on Tuesday morning and I'm sure that I probably won't answer all your queries, but I will do my best. 

I was aware of Coral Ridge's political involvement and the attitude of the gay community toward them. In spite of this I felt it was important that someone with bridgerly attitudes and beliefs be represented in the ad. If I didn't do the ad, someone [who is unbridgerley] may have. I felt if dialogue is going to happen as a result of the media attention, it would be better if I was the one answering those questions. In addition, my wife and I prayed for God's wisdom and guidance and we believed we did what He wanted us to do. 

I may find that I made a horrible mistake and that I will have to live with that mistake. I feel at this point that it wasn't in error. We were also allowed to submit what we wanted our lines to be, so that our feelings would be conveyed. I also saw the script before hand and corrected the use of the word "lifestyle", which does not appear in the commercial. 

I met some wonderful people like John and Deanna Wescott, the couple that appear in the commercial with us. And I hope to build a bridge to the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ as well. The people I met were sincere loving people who have heard a lot of political rhetoric for a long time. And guess what? They really loved Donna and me and respect our opinion. It is my belief that we cannot change people's opinions through rhetoric, but through relationship. 

Just as my opinion of many on SideA has changed since my involvement on BA, the opinion of the political Religious Right can only be changed by relationship with those who think differently than they, those who have a different approach to dealing with differences concerning the issue of homosexuality. 

In His love, Tom

email  Tom

Tom Cole:
Gays and Exgays: Sharing the Pain of the Past

Between the Lines 
Tom Cole: The Unlikely Ally


Tom Cole: Report on the B-A Workshop at the 1998 Midwest G:LSEN Conference

Tom Cole: My School Experience


Why I did the ad  ©  1998 Tom Cole
Do not quote from this document in print media without Tom Cole's permission.