The Power of God's Spirit | ||
Melanie Geyer, September, 1997 Melanie's Booklet: Wisdom
and The Messenger
Power of God's Spirit
I never planned to be part of Bridges Across. Then, while teaching at an Exodus conference, I met Maggie. As timing would have it, Steve and I had met only a few weeks before as he was traveling through Chicago. Was this providential? At a bare minimum, I feel called to pursue involvement with Bridges Across at present. I clearly enter this dialogue as a SideB person. In general, I believe that, for myself and others, sexual identity issues and faith issues can be integrated in such a way that options open up for pursuing what I believe God intended: identifying with those of the same gender and relating heterosexually to those of the opposite gender. At a more important level, perhaps discipleship as a Christian takes precedence over ways of resolving sexual identity. Also, quite possibly sexual orientation is not fixed but often changeable. On the other hand, the way in which I have addressed sexuality issues stem primarily from a basis in Christian faith. As such, I do not expect those who have different values or beliefs to follow what I believe to be true. It has taken me years to come to this point. When individuals disagree, I am strongly in favor of honesty and respect. Sometimes this is costly. In the long run, however, I am convinced that both are worth the price. My hope and prayer is that each person who enters into this dialogue (including myself) will be open to learning and open to hearing the experiences of others. Ultimately we can learn how to stand with others, even when they have differing convictions, out of respect for their value as persons and in respect of decisions that they and they alone have the right to make with regard to their lives. I also believe in the power of God's Spirit to work in an individual's life, to convince, to intervene, to make things clear in a timetable that is best for the individual. I desire is to respect that work and not presume how that will happen. Possibly I will be the one who learns the most from this adventure and dialogue. I am open to this possibility (having learned much in the past from others who differ from me)! |