
The Church's Treatment is a Justice Issue   
by Jesse Jones


The Church's Treatment is a Justice Issue

I am a 45-year-old straight white male of European descent, with a wife of nearly twenty years and 2 daughters (13 and 11). I grew up (1) in the Bible Belt of Appalachia and (2) in the Sixties.

In the latter context I came under the influence of radical Christians involved in the civil rights and antiwar movements. I am now a lay leader in a Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) in Miami, Florida, and President of the Board of a church-based social service provider, the Christian Community Service Agency (operating for thirty-two years, sponsored by nine mainline denominations, now with an operating budget of approx. $7 million). My most recent work in that organization has been to gather support for political action in response to welfare reform. 

My primary interests are in economic and racial justice. I do not claim expertise on issues of gay rights or human sexuality. To me, however, the church's treatment of gays and lesbians is a justice issue, and until the churches accept gays and lesbians, the churches themselves will not be just. It is my passion for the church, therefore, that leads me to this affirmative response to Maggie's invitation to have some role in these discussions. 

-- Jesse C. Jones 
Miami, Florida 

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text © 1997 Jesse Jones