
Randy Thomas
Sheep With Fangs
Lynchburg SoulForce and Exgays
Randy's Intro to Bridges-Across

Living Hope

excerpt from
Randy's "Response to Coral Ridge"

I have heard from several group members "that they saw me" on TV again a few weeks ago on the latest Coral Ridge show dealing with their defense of why they did the National ads. They continue to slice and dice my testimony for political purposes instead of letting it stand on its own merit.

Sheep with Fangs 

As Pastor Bob and I walked up the hill toward the Phelps protest there is a cross laying up against a tree that says," Sin is sin cuz Jesus sez!" It was written in red crayon. I looked at Pastor Bob and said well obviously His followers can't spell either. This showed me that the witness was based more in sarcasm then Truth. You don't misspell Truth.

"Excuse me...Mr. Phelps," is how I approached the man I once called a Viper on a radio show.

Flaring up with his hate signs in both arms Fred looks at me and with a snarl and says

"Are you a HOMOsexyull, are you gonna' get violent on me!"

I with a little amusement at the Viper's drama say, "I was at one time and no I am not going to be violent. I just have one question. Is that ok?" 

With a predatory yet defensive look he nods yes.

I ask," So what do you think of Exodus International and those people who would call themselves exgay?"

"You talkin' 'bout that Paulk boy?"

"Well, yes he is one of them and the Chairman of the Exodus Board."

"You know we picketed that Dobson idol in Colorado...blah blah blah viper blah...That Paulk boy came out to talk to us and we had a good talk." 

Then Phelps looks at me and gets ugly all of a sudden, maybe because some camera's show up, amazing affect cameras have. He angrily asks me, "Why do you want to know?"

I say," Because I lived as a gay man until I was 24 and after converting to Christianity the Lord told me I could be free and I have been on that journey ever since."

Phelps: "Then why are you still jabberin' about it! If I ever did something like that I would never talk about it again. I would be so ashamed and reviled....more viper blah..."

Randy: "I talk about it because it give God glory to reveal the wonderful things He has done in my life. I also talk about it because the Lord has lifted my shame. Your theology is only halfway, if that, correct." and I walked off.

 I went to talk to other protestors that I might write about next but we had to walk through the Phelps crowd to get back to our car and this is what happened.

 There were more out there this time it seemed. My stomach turned up in knots because of all the signs and the fact that we would have to walk through them. As Pastor Bob and I approached they kind of made a way for us but were all staring. On the ground laying on the sidewalk was a gay pride rainbow flag. It had all kinds of stuff on it (spit and dirt). I didn't want to walk on it because it wouldn't have been right. That is the only way to explain it. So I walked around it, that is when this big big hulky man asked, "Welllll How are you doing today!?"

I replied "I am fine, yourself?"

"I am having a horrible terrible day because of the blah blah blah viper blah..." 

I ignored him and we kept walking. Pastor Bob said they were making fun of us. I was entranced by what was coming before me. It was a young Phelpsian girl with a handful of black berries. She said "Do you know what this is?"

I shook my head no but Immediately I was hit with a living symbol and I said in a prophetic sense to Pastor Bob "She doesn't even know the fruit she bears." The Lord says you will know them by their fruits. She was the embodiment of a false bride (false against the True Bride of Christ). The false bride was feeding death instead of inspiring life and not even aware of it. Stunned, I kept walking down the hill, another lady was coming up the hill with a sign. As she drew nearer she started crying harder and almost convulsing in her stomach. As we passed each other she spit at my feet. This also grieved me because I was a representative of the most high and His presence in me was misperceived as evil.

Wisdom is mocked, understanding is rejected.

Lord, I lift up the Phelps folks and ask that you would break through that kingdom of darkness. That truth and love would win out in their hearts. Help them to learn to love and not hate. Help them to have eyes to see and ears to here you and not the vile words of Fred Phelps. Jesus have mercy on Phelps and somehow show him his err. Bring repentance and change his heart. Father turn the viper into a dove. What is impossible with man is possible with you God. In Jesus Name, amen.

Lynchburg From My Perspective

From: "Randy Thomas" <>

My best moments were in meeting the people, face to face. Fred Phelps, Kunst, watching Otwell (the Lord said no to me going to ask him questions because He said I would be in physical danger.) 

 Meeting the Christian reporter out on the sidewalk with tears in her eyes asking where was Jesus?

I said He was right there with her, Pastor Bob and I weeping over the hate and anger represented on that sidewalk. I loved meeting Pastor Donnelly (sp?) from San Francisco, he was such a benevolent and tender man. I loved hanging out with all the gay press...totally. They were very fun and candid. Hi Natalie! Honestly, before I met her, I thought Natalie didn't like me but when she literally ran to greet and hug me all that worry left me. Now I feel I have another sister out there. I share her gift of passion.

Watching Falwell preach was a cathartic thing for me. I hated the man until I forgave him a few years ago. Part of that was also asking for forgiveness from God for hating him. As I listened to Jerry, I really warmed to him as a person. Gay/cC stuff aside...the man is funny and very human. I can now say I am comfortable with him even though I sometimes wish he would be slow of speech.

Before going to Lynchburg I was at Living Waters training in Maryland for an entire week. Many many many instances of encountering the Divine. My journal looks like the book of Revelation, full of dreams, symbols and words of knowledge. Absolutely bizarre. However, one thing that is very clear, I was made for people. I was created to be a face to face person. The whole weekend was worth it to see Steve smile, to give him a hug and Holy Kiss on the cheek. To embrace him and hold his hand. To comfort and pray for him as he cried for his friend. I sure do love that SteveS.

Mel, Falwell, SoulForce, Exodus Movement, Michael Johnston, Focus, FRC ... not me. Yes I will keep up with it and pipe in a penny's worth of thought but let me love people. Let me write about them and I will be operating in my destiny.

 In Him in spite of myself, Randy

Randy Thomas Co-Director Living Hope Ministries 
- A Referral Member of Exodus International
1 Peter 1:3, Jeremiah 17:7-8 

Letter from a professor at  Liberty University

Lynchburg Report: Steve Schalchlin

Lynchburg Report Randy Thomas

Lynchburg Report Bob Stith

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I Cor:5:11

Pictures from Lynchburg

Basic Concepts of Satyagraha


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