

Prayer and the Powers
Session 12

Readings: TPTB - Chapter 10; ETP - Chapter 16

Discipline of the Spirit is required, Wink says, for change, and perhapsthe most important discipline is prayer.

Prayer is not a private act, but a battlefield.

Wink locates problems in our prayer in wrong worldviews: the ancient, the Gnostic, the materialistic, and the theological. (See Session 2.) Each has short-comings, but the integegral worldview a more adequate support: Intercession is spiritual struggle, it is battle. It changes us and it canchange the world by changing what is possible to God.

Wink startles us here by pointing out certain prayers to involve "ordering" God to bring the Kingdom near, as Jesus did. We are commanded to command God.

Praying is rattling God's cage and waking God up and setting God free and giving this famished God water and this starving God food and cutting the ropes off God's hands and the manacles off God's feet and washing the caked sweat from God's eyes and then watching God swell with life and vitality and energy and following God wherever God goes. (TPTB 186)

This kind of prayer is an act of co-creation, and it is not just a transaction between the individual and God; it involves also the principalities and powers.Wink uses the example of Daniel's prayers being blocked by the "Angel of Persia." He speaks then of our prayers for peace and arms reduction havingbeen blocked by the "angels" of the United States and the Soviet Union.

God may move slowly, imperceptibly, and the victory may take years, but thevictory, in the end, is God's. In such a world, trust in miracles is common sense. We must expect miracles,not only small ones but large and surprising ones as well.

For Discussion

1. What sense do you make of Wink's contention that the "angels" of the United States and the Soviet Union long blocked our prayers for peace and disarmament?

2. Discuss the prayer of the Dutch Jewish woman in a Nazi death camp:

And the following: 3. What Powers are blocking the answers to your prayers right now?

Copyright © 1998 by Vern Rossman

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