
Epilogue --
From a Ministry Director to Chuck Colson
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by Maggie Heineman November 4, 1999

Part   I - Firmness in Truth - Nonviolent Response

Part  II - Jerry Falwell's friend Michael Johnston

Part III - Love Your Children,  Love Won Out

Part  IV - Matthew 5:38-48, Romans 12:14-21

Part   V - SoulForce Principles & Bridges-Across

Epilogue - From a Ministry Director to Chuck Colson

Mike Jones is the co-director of Corduroy Stone ministry, an Exodus International applicant ministry sponsored by University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan. 

I've been on Mike's distribution list for over a year, having visited him in Lansing back in early 1998 when we were preparing the Bridges Across workshop at the Midwest Regional Conference of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Teachers Network. I thank Mike for permission to use his words in this report.

In his letter to Chuck Colson about the Breakpoint commentary on Lynchburg, Mike Jones wrote:

Dear Chuck,

In response to your article: BreakPoint Commentary #91105 - 11/05/1999 Toning Down the Rhetoric : Jerry Falwell's Initiative by Charles Colson

I support your comments here. In some past issues of BreakPoint, I have been uncomfortable with the comments that were presented and I wrote to BreakPoint about them. I had felt from those articles that the same attitude that Jerry Falwell had been expressing, was being expressed here.

I believe the reason Jerry finally met with Mel and the two of them had the dialogue they did, was because Mel, not Jerry, continued to pursue it. I would encourage you to pursue Mel with the same vigor he pursued Jerry, if you seek the same effect as you stated below:

Colson: I for one wish Falwell had exacted a few reciprocal promises of his own from his homosexual interlocutors. For instance, how about a promise from White to let Falwell monitor HIS publications to hold him accountable for HIS rhetoric? I for one have personally felt the bitter lash of Mel White's rhetoric who calls all conservative Christians homophobic just because of what we believe."

Jones: I requested to be on Mel's email list to do just this, two years ago. I have also written Mel and carefully described my points of discomfort with his rhetoric. I do not carry the position in society that you do. He listened and responded to me, suggesting that I read his book, Stranger at the Gate, before we dialogue further. I will get to that this winter, so that I can continue the dialogue. 

Mel attended the Exodus International North America annual conference this year, at his request, and the approval of the Exodus Board. He was not convinced that his position was incorrect, but he listened to what was presented and he was treated with respect by those who also attended. He discouraged the pro-gay Christians in the Chicago area from protesting the Exodus event. The protest that did occur was small, quiet and unconfrontative.

I have been reading BreakPoint for a couple years now. The reason I wrote to BreakPoint earlier is that I felt the same activity was taking place in the materials that BreakPoint was printing as you point out below that you wished Mel would not be associated with:

Colson: And how about a promise from White to publicly disassociate himself from groups like ACT UP, which have invaded Catholic services and thrown urine-filled condoms at the alter? It's not enough that White has never taken part in these kinds of disruptions if he appears alongside those who do. [See earlier discussion of Colson's erroneous statement on what happened.]

Jones: I wish to be able to say that Chuck Colson and his staff understand the issue of homosexuality and desire to help and encourage Christians who are wrestling with this issue in their own lives. There are probably more people in the U.S. who are Christians, who believe homosexual behavior is wrong, but who have homosexual attractions, than there are people who openly say they are either gay or lesbian. 

I understand the tension of working to encourage biblical values in a democratic society and still being seen as respectful of individuals who disagree with my position. I hope you can appreciate the discomfort I feel when I hear the lack of greater care taken in regards to blanket statements about all individuals who experience homosexual attractions. I hope that I will see greater care taken by the BreakPont staff in addressing this issue in the future in BreakPoint articles. As referenced by the following statement:

Colson: Still, there are aspects of the much publicized meeting that leaves me troubled. It's good for Christians to "take greater care" in our rhetoric. But by relating that rhetoric to the murder of homosexuals, One might think we're suggesting a link between Christian public opposition to gay political agenda and the murder of people like Matthew Shepherd. Nor is it homophobic to fight against the gay lobby's insistence on legalizing and normalizing gay marriage.

Jones: I am well aware that people will suspect that there is a link as you presented above. But part of the reason they do, is because of the less that sensitive way homosexuality is generally addressed by Christians today. And thus, as you stated below:

Colson: "While I applaud Falwell's call for more civility, the meeting fell short of the biblical model for reconciliation."

Jones: I have found that BreakPoint has also fallen short of the biblical model of presenting what Christians can do to support their brothers and sisters in Christ who desire to be obedient to the scriptures as they have been understood since they were written, but who still wrestle, maybe even daily, with homosexual temptations. I know how it feels to be lashed by pro-gay Christians. So, I can appreciate where you are coming from in writing the following:

Colson: "I for one wish Falwell had exacted a few reciprocal promises of his own from his homosexual interlocutors. For instance, how about a promise from White to let Falwell monitor HIS publications to hold him accountable for HIS rhetoric? I for one have personally felt the bitter lash of Mel White's rhetoric who calls all conservative Christians homophobic just because of what we believe."

Jones: But it was when I went to those people and began direct dialogue with them, that they began to respect me, and to reconsider what they would be saying about me in the future. 

Show that you still respect Mel, as a brother in Christ, even if he completely disagrees with you on this issue and even if he is in a committed gay relationship with Gary Nixon. It may be that this is exactly what Mel was searching for many years ago, when he was still asking the Lord to help him in his struggle against homosexuality, when he could not find a safe place within the church to go for help and support. 

 I encourage you to go to him, Chuck. Mel will be grateful that you took the initiative. Do the very thing you suggested in your article:

Colson: I'm not trying to scuttle Falwell's initiative; I'm for it. The Bible urges us to "make every effort to live in peace with all men," including those with whom we disagree. But biblical reconciliation requires mutual repentance and accountability. And most important, biblical reconciliation does not mean papering over genuine moral disagreements.

Jones: Make every effort to seek Mel out, and have direct dialogue with him. Do more than express your desire to do so here, in this format. The richest blessings may be planned for you, as you step out in faith. You wrote in closing:

Colson: While Falwell deserves credit for trying, we ought to remember that civility is a two-way street, and it can never take the place of speaking the truth.

Jones: Go to him with the truth, but go. Walk the street in his direction. 

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Mike Jones
co-director of Corduroy Stone ministry 
an Exodus International applicant ministry 
sponsored by University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan. 

Lynchburg, SoulForce, and Exgays 
Copyright © 1999 by Maggie Heineman

If you quote from this article on your website, please include a link. If you wish to use the article in a print publication, write to me for permission. 

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Margaret Andrus Heineman
Bridges-Across the Divide
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Basic Concepts of Satyagraha

Letter from a professor at  Liberty University

Lynchburg Report: Steve Schalchlin

Lynchburg Report Randy Thomas

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Lynchburg Report Julie Burke

I Cor:5:11

Pictures from Lynchburg



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