
Toward an International Discussion of Homosexuality (TIDH)
Sonia's letter to The Advocate
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On December 14, 1998 Sonia posted to the to the Journeys list:

The Advocate printed my letter-to-the-editor with a different title, minus the sentence about Bridges-Across  :( and in slightly abbreviated, more literate form. 

I wrote to them because I was deeply troubled that the incompleteness of the last quote attributed to me would make grievious misunderstanding very likely. I struggled over so openly expressing my discomfort with the Exodus Ad campaign, but since they reported about me as an individual (and rightly did not list Safe Passage as being an affiliate), I concluded it was indeed appropriate for me to respond as an individual, expressing the convictions I hold very passionately and believe are in His time to be made known. 

Holding the printed page in my hands, I am profoundly encouraged at even this microscopic step towards genuine healing across the Divide. 

With love, 
Sonia Balcer

[start] Advocate (p.6, 12/22/98, issue 775) letter ---

Fellow travelers 

 I'm one of the "change ministry workers" covered by Stuart Miller ["It Didn't Work," November 24]. I appreciated the kind portrayal and found the cover story to be devastatingly powerful. But I would be remiss if I didn't clarify the closing remark which Miller attributed to me about anti-gay political rhetoric serving to bring "morality back to Christianity". Though I confess to being too absentminded to remember my exact words, the meaning that apparently came across was worlds apart from my actual beliefs. 

 The past few months have been profoundly heart- wrenching for me as I have observed an alliance between Exodus International and the political religious right organizations that sponsored the newspaper ads last July. My personal conviction is that the disrespect, fear, and rejection held by some Christians towards GLBT people is immoral and inexcusable. At the same time, it is my abiding hope that even the bitter hostilities stirred up in the public debate can serve positively to motivate more conservative churches to do some soul-searching about the ways in which we respond to same-gender attracted people, and of the true meaning of unconditional love. 

 I hope we can begin to reach across this cultural divide and work together towards justice and respect, genuine freedom of conscience and valuing of each person. As for my "side", until we honestly wrestle with these questions and address our offenses of both commission and omission, we will remain morally in "critical condition." I ask that you both challenge us and be patient with us, for in a very real sense our journeys are connected. 

 Sonia Balcer, Los Angeles, Calif.

Sonia's Bridges-Across Intro

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