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SFGH&T: Concise bibliography
Jeramy Townsley's Home Page
Search for God's heart and truth 
by Jeramy Townsley 

Concise Bibliography of Sources Quoted 

Boswell, John. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1980. 

Boswell, John. Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe. Vintage Books: New York, 1994. 

Brooten, Bernadette. "Patristic Interpretations of Romans 1:26." Studia Patristica 18: 287-291. Ed. Elizabeth Livingstone, Cistercian Publishing: Kalamazoo, 1985. 

Brooten, Bernadette. Love Between Women. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1996. 

Dover, Kenneth. Greek Homosexuality. Harvard University Press: 1989. 

Eliade, Mircea. Homosexuality. The Encyclopedia of Religion volume 6. Macmillan Publishing: New York. 

Greenberg, David. The Construction of Homosexuality. University of Chicago Press: London, 1988. 

Martin, Dale. Arsenokoites and malakos: Meanings and Consequences. Biblical Ethics and Homosexuality, Robert Brawley. Westminster Press: Louisville, 1996. 

Martin, Dale. Heterosexism and the interpretation of Romans 1:18-32. Biblical Interpretation 3 (1995): 332-55. 

Mickey, Paul. Of Sacred Worth. Abingdon Press: Nashville, 1991. 
Petersen, William. On the study of homosexuality in Patristic sources. Studia Patristica 20 (1989): 283-88. 

Scroggs, Robin. The New Testament and Homosexuality. Fortress Press: Philadelphia, 1983. 

Smith, Mark. Ancient Bisexuality and the interpretation of Romans 1:26-27. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 63(1996): 223-256. 
Wright, David. Homosexuals or prostitutes? Vigiliae Christianae 38 (1984): 125-153. 

Complete Bibliography 

Search for God's Heart and Truth: The Bible and Homosexuality
Addendum1: Marriage
Addendum2 Old Testament
Greek Culture and Homosexuality
David and Jonathan
The Teleological Arguement
(Argument from Design)
Concise Bibliography
Comprhensive Bibliography

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