SFGH&T: Concise bibliography | ||
for God's heart and truth
by Jeramy Townsley Concise Bibliography of Sources Quoted: Boswell, John. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1980. Boswell, John. Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe. Vintage Books: New York, 1994. Brooten, Bernadette. "Patristic Interpretations of Romans 1:26." Studia Patristica 18: 287-291. Ed. Elizabeth Livingstone, Cistercian Publishing: Kalamazoo, 1985. Brooten, Bernadette. Love Between Women. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1996. Dover, Kenneth. Greek Homosexuality. Harvard University Press: 1989. Eliade, Mircea. Homosexuality. The Encyclopedia of Religion volume 6. Macmillan Publishing: New York. Greenberg, David. The Construction of Homosexuality. University of Chicago Press: London, 1988. Martin, Dale. Arsenokoites and malakos: Meanings and Consequences. Biblical Ethics and Homosexuality, Robert Brawley. Westminster Press: Louisville, 1996. Martin, Dale. Heterosexism and the interpretation of Romans 1:18-32. Biblical Interpretation 3 (1995): 332-55. Mickey, Paul. Of Sacred Worth. Abingdon Press: Nashville, 1991.
Scroggs, Robin. The New Testament and Homosexuality. Fortress Press: Philadelphia, 1983. Smith, Mark. Ancient Bisexuality and the interpretation of Romans 1:26-27.
Journal of the American Academy of Religion 63(1996): 223-256.